I’ve never been a huge fan of stud earrings. Part of the reason is because they are either so tiny that they aren’t noticeable, or they give you drooping earring syndrome. You know drooping earring syndrome? Maybe you’ve seen it on your grandma, or her friends, or the blue haired gals at church. They wear big stud earrings and gravity pulls them down at an awkward angle. Well, last week I caught part of an infomercial that had a solution to drooping earring syndrome. And my life has now been changed forever.
Let me start with why I even have stud earrings that cause drooping earring syndrome. A few years ago, Landon and I were headed out of town to play in a golf tournament my uncle used to host. About an hour on the road I realized I didn’t pack any studs. Think about it, who wants dangly earrings hanging on the side of their head when they are swinging a club? No thanks. And since I wear my hair up to golf, my ears seem super bare. So I always put studs in to play because why can’t I feel pretty and birdie a hole at the same time? Hmm?
Moving on, we stopped at a Target on the way and I found some cute studs that are not too tiny to see and I actually have really grown to like them. Except that they cause drooping earring syndrome. Well not anymore!
So these MagicBax, as they call them, are not unaffordable by any means. The things are $20-$30 for two pairs depending on if you get silver or gold or one of each. That’s not expensive at all, especially if it works on countless earrings you may already own. But to bring my Economics minor into full affect, there’s an opportunity cost. Yes, you can buy those, but then you can’t get a pedicure, a week’s worth of Starbucks, a new shirt, a sale on some cute shoes, happy hour with the girls, dinner with your guy, whatever cute things that throw themselves into your cart at Target or Hobby Lobby… You see, there are so many other things I would rather spend my money on than these things that help stud earrings I only wear every once in a while.

Being my cheap frugal self, I was curious if I could make my own. The day after seeing the infomercial I was at Michaels getting supplies to make a wreath for my grandma (more on that later). I still had these MagicBax in mind and so I wandered through the jewelry findings to see if any ideas to make my own would come to mind. And they did.
Unfortunately, I totally thought I had some of these cord crimps at home already but I didn’t. The good news is that they are sold everyone jewelry making things are sold. So I was able to pick up a ton for less than $2 at my dinky local Walmart. And that $2 will make me 20 pairs. That’s right, I can save 20 ladies from drooping earring syndrome for 10 cents apiece!

What You Need
Fold over cord crimps (Amazon, Hobby Lobby, and the Walmart ones I used)
2 pairs of pliers
This Is What You Do
Take a cord crimp that is meant to fold over, and open it up flat. It works best to use two pliers, one to hold the crimp by the hole, and the other to pull back the sides.
That’s literally it. To use them, insert earring into earlobe, then through crimp, then into the earrings back. Make sure the flat part of the crimp is angled upward, toward the top of your ear and you will be all set! Once in place, mine didn’t shift all day – which was something I was worried about.

And since I don’t have double pierced ears, if anyone wants a pair let me know, I have 19 more I can make. I won’t even charge you. ?
I’ll take a pair!
I’ll take a pair too! Thanks!