DIY High Calorie Purees for Babies and Toddlers

Lots of store-bought baby purees with some additional add ons to create high calorie puree combinations

This post is the resource I wish I had found last year. High calorie purees, with macros, especially carbs, taken into careful consideration. As much as I thought I would do baby led weaning, Everett is 22 months old and still can’t feed himself. A store-bought puree or pouch just does not have enough calories to sustain him without making him rely too heavily on bottles for his daily needs. And if I tried to feed him two at a time, it’s too much volume and the carb count just causes huge spikes and crashes for his blood sugar. After searching for someone on the internet to tell me what to do, I finally just sat down with a spreadsheet and figured it out myself.

If I can help one mom (or dad, grandparent, or other caregiver) out there with this post, it will be so worth it to me! A child doesn’t need to have Down syndrome and Type 1 diabetes to have a need for higher calorie purees (and lower carbs possibly), it could be any child for several medical reasons; feeding tubes, texture aversions, etc. I’ll stop rambling and just get to the meat of the matter. Continue reading “DIY High Calorie Purees for Babies and Toddlers”

22 Things I Learned in 2022 and My Hopes for 2023

2022 was without a doubt the hardest year of my life.  I got the idea for this post a few weeks ago and thought after the year we’ve had, it might be interesting to document.  I’m not holding anything back.  There has been a lot of stress, angst, and worry.  There have been happy tears and grief and disappointment.

22 things I learned in 2022

Continue reading “22 Things I Learned in 2022 and My Hopes for 2023”

A Day In The Life of a Type 1 Diabetes Parent

Oh boy has it been awhile since I posted last.  In May, Everett became our hospital’s youngest to be diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes at 8 months old.  If I’m being honest, the last four months have been hell regarding this autoimmune disease.  I was inspired a few times to document a day in the life and how many decisions we constantly make now that we are our son’s pancreas 24/7.  And I gave up before 10am every time.  But a few weeks ago, I did it.  I documented the entire day from midnight to midnight!

A Day In The Life of a Type 1 Diabetes Parent
Everett is sporting his continuous glucose monitor on his leg.

Continue reading “A Day In The Life of a Type 1 Diabetes Parent”