You know those books you read that stick with you? Not only are they often page turners but they also stay with you long after you read the last page. All this social distancing has me craving to find one of those books. And I started recalling those books I’ve already read. While I’m on the hunt for my next read, here are my favorite books that have stayed with me. Add one (or more!) to your must read list and make all this time staying home a little more exciting.

The Impossible Lives of Greta Wells by Andrew Sean Greer
Oh I wish I was Greta Wells right now. Well, not really. But Greta in 1985 loses her brother and has a breakup that leaves her depressed. She undergoes psychiatric treatment that ends with her rotating through alternative lives. There is a Greta of 1918 and one of 1941. While 1985 Greta visits these other worlds, the other Gretas also make themselves at home at hers. It sounds so much more complicated than it is. And it kind of makes you wish you could wake up in a different time where there isn’t Covid-19! But the book is nothing like I’ve ever read and I constantly needed to know what would happen next.

Mr Prenumbra’s 24 Hour Bookstore by Robin Sloan
Oh this is for the book nerds for sure. I can remember more details of my personal life while reading this book than any other book. In fact, after thinking about it, I am dying to reread it! Mr Prenumbra’s bookstore is far from a normal bookstore. In fact, most people are just checking out big books. Without wanting to give anything away, this book is for readers and puzzle lovers. The story will captivate you through the end.

Ground Up by Michael Idov
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to run your own coffee store? I read this back in college when I was a regular at the local Starbucks. For Mark and Nina, opening a coffee shop in New York City is the ultimate dream. But not all dreams come with happy endings. The story is the perfect blend of coffee, dreams, and reality. What I appreciated most about this book was the portrayal of both successes and hardships. It showed through fiction that owning your own business is not all sunshine and rainbows. It’s also just neat to get such an inside glimpse to a coffee shop!

The Lace Reader by Brunonia Barry
This is probably the oldest book on my list. I read it in high school and though I haven’t read it since, I remember the feelings I felt while reading it. Towner narrates her story through present time and flashbacks in Salem, MA. As with any memory, our own reflection can tweak what actually happened. The reader is left with a mystery of multiple frayed ends trying to solve it. This was definitely a “can’t put down” read that has stuck with me. I even mentioned it last year after reading The Au Pair.

The Likeness by Tana French
Tana French has definitely made a name for herself since this book was released. It’s actually the second in a mystery series but it’s the only book of hers I’ve read. Why? Because it was so amazingly good I’m afraid her other work won’t live up to it. It definitely can be read as a standalone. Cassie was once an undercover cop and a body turns up that looks just like her. But even more confusing is that the girl’s ID shows her to be an alias Cassie used in the past. Cassie goes undercover as this other girl to solve the case and it is just So Dang Good.
There’s some favorite books off the top of my head. Hopefully you can find one to peak your interest and enjoy it while social distancing!