We are in our fourth week of staying home. I really wasn’t sure if I’d talk about this when this new normal first started, but I feel like I have thoughts to share. Just thoughts on what we have been doing, how we have been doing, and trying to look on the bright side while acknowledging our range of emotions.
Apparently baking helps stress. I have made brownies, apple crisp, 4 dozen cookies, two loaves of beer bread, and as of tonight, two batches of deep dish cookie bowls for two.

I recently found Community on Hulu (I believe Netflix also has it available). A handful of years ago, I used to stay up watching their reruns after the nightly news (I didn’t have cable). I introduced the show to Landon and it’s the perfect lighthearted comedy to flip to after watching the current news. If you are creative, I highly recommend watching Making It (also on Hulu). Amy Poehler and Nick Offerman host the crafting competition show. It’s full of creativity, friendly competition, and will give you so many good feelings for humanity!
Our basement has been a saving grace and a nuisance at this time. We have been able to work non-stop on multiple projects to keep ourselves busy on the evenings and weekends. But on the flip side, we have been working non-stop and I’m really getting burnt out. To add to the insanity, we haven’t finished one single project. We were almost done with one but then started three more and now it’s just a madhouse. I sure hope I can share something finished next week!

We originally were supposed to fly to Charleston this week for vacation. Landon and I weren’t really sure what Easter would be like for us in Charleston. And I guess we’ll never know. But I’m ready to don my best dress, take a makeshift communion, and eat an Easter dinner for two. I just need to figure out what to make for a two person Easter dinner. So far I have deviled eggs and Landon requested Scotcharoos. Might need a main course somewhere in there but maybe this is the new Easter normal. Ha!
I am grateful for so, so much. I am grateful to be healthy and that my family is healthy. Grateful we have our jobs. My heart breaks for all those losing loved ones and not able to have a proper funeral. I feel terrible for all the couples having to postpone their wedding day or vastly alter what they planned.
Keeping It Real
Overall, our life hasn’t changed too much. I’m used to Landon being home during the summer. His school had prepped for e-learning days after missing school for floods and snow and cold so many days last year. He got the hang of virtual teaching pretty quickly. I normally work from home two days a week and I worked continuously from home while on crutches last year. I know we are lucky but there are still times with this feels all too much. When things feel heavy, I’ve looked back on the quotes and songs I listed in my post reflecting on last year. And some nights, we skip the news and put worship music on. Our favorites right now are Good Grace by Hillsong United and Way Maker by Leeland.
I hope this post finds you safe and healthy. It’s okay if your house has never been cleaner and it’s also okay if it needs a good cleaning and you’ve had cereal for dinner more times than you want to admit. There is no one way to quarantine! This is a marathon, not a sprint, and we can only do our best to get through it. Your best will look different than my best and that’s okay. Tell your loved ones you love them. Give yourself grace. And when in doubt, go to bed early.