It’s hard to believe it’s November already! Actually, it’s harder to believe we got 4 inches of snow since last night. It’s still early November after all. Anyway, the last two weeks have been pretty eventful for us so I’d thought I’d share what’s been happening. I also have a challenge fo you to do too. Don’t worry, it will make you feel really good. So what are you waiting for, keep reading!

Cleared to Run
Two weeks ago today, I was cleared by my surgeon to run! Not just run, but I have no physical restrictions from my previous hip surgeries now! He technically cleared me about 3 weeks early but I feel ready. I actually got home and immediately went running down our street. In my jeans no less! It felt so good! I’m really doing a return to running program so I’m only running about a minute at a time and then walking between intervals but I haven’t been able run in 18 months so it means the world to me! Unfortunately, I got a cold last week so I’ve only gone running about 3 times so far. I’m feeling better so I’ll be back to running soon though! (You can read about my hip surgeries here and here.)
I Turned 30
The clear to run was an early birthday present. A handful of days later, I turned the big three-oh. I’m still not sure about it since two days later I ended up with a fever. But at the same time, I had two hip surgeries at 29 so 30 has to be better than that, right?! Either way, Landon’s mom did a great job decorating for my special day and his family made it a great time! We did appetizers as a theme and it was so good! Never got a pic of all the food but I highly recommend trying appetizers and finger food for a party sometime. My parents came down the following weekend and it was so nice to celebrate twice!
Landon Shot a Buck
The forecast was that the rut (when the bucks really start harassing the does) was coming early this year and it did. Last Monday my father-in-law got a buck and on Halloween Landon shot one! He was pretty excited and is enjoying staying inside now during the cold spell this week. This buck is big but not quite as big as some he’s gotten mounted (like above our fireplace) so he’s having a European mount done. I’m not a fan of those but it means it gets hung in the garage and not in my house so that’s good!
Feminine Product Donations
I shared a post this time last year about collecting and donating feminine products. This past year it really weighed on me to help local schools. I put it out to our amazing little church again and we doubled last years donations and were able to give to three local schools! The schools were extremely appreciative which just shows how much these items are needed. Last year we donated to local women in need. I don’t know where my heart will lead me to donate next year but I know this is something important for our greater community (and your’s too) and I hope to continue collecting annually for a very long time.
A Challenge for You…
I challenge you to help someone in need. Yes, the holiday season is coming up and there are angel trees and the Salvation Army bell ringers right around the corner, but people are in need all year round. Whether it’s leaving a bigger tip, donating blood, collecting disposable goods like diapers or feminine products, it all helps. Ask schools or other non-profits what they are in need of. I also would encourage you to skip the self-checkout and wait in line. You never know if the person in front of you might not have enough to cover their bill and you can help them with the difference. Basically, keep your eyes open to those less fortunate and do what you can to help them. It reinforces that there are good people in the world and you are one of them. ❤️
What a beautiful post! All of it. I love the challenge too. God is truly using you. Brings heartfelt tears of joy to my eyes. 💟