An Essential Drawer for Essential Oils

By now it should come as no surprise that I use essential oils for lots of things in my life.  Like hand soap, body wash, laundry, allergy fighter…  You get the idea.  So naturally, I have quite a few bottles of the stuff.  I had been using some nice wood boxes for storing oils but they just weren’t working for my daily use.  But now I have the perfect essential oil organizer for us!

Essential Oil Organizer

We have been on an organization kick since before New Year’s and had cleared out a drawer in our kitchen.  Landon thought it would make the perfect home for my essential oils rather than keeping the most used in a box on the counter.  I tried putting the boxes in the drawer but the one was too tall.  It also was hard to find certain oils because I’d have to open the drawer, then open a box, and then open another one because it wasn’t in the first box.  I needed something that made the oils easy to grab!

Essential Oil Organizer
This box was great but didn’t work so well in the drawer.

I started by searching for drawer organizers on the Container Store’s website.  And I found something I thought would work.  Then I checked Amazon to see if they also sold it because a) Prime and b) well that Prime was really the only reason.  Amazon’s were slightly different dimensions but actually made for a better fit with the height of our drawer.

Essential Oil Organizer

I used some utility scissors to cut them down to the width of our drawer.  I then decided to cut all of them the size because that would give me 42 spaces and I don’t really want to own more than that at a time.  After they were cut, I slid them together and they were ready for my oils!

Essential Oil Organizer

The whole project took less than 15 minutes.  I am so sold on these drawer dividers, I’ve been trying to figure out where to use them next.  It makes me wish I owned more nail polish or lipstick because they’d be great for those things!

Essential Oil Organizer

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