Things to do when Winter is Never Ending

Does anyone feel as though this winter is lasting an eternity?  I normally love winter but then again, I also love winter sports and I have not been able to do them this year (more on that later).  We have reached mid-February and realized the schools around here have not gone for a full 5 days since before Christmas.  The weather is just killing it.  And the makeup for ice, snow, and frigid days is going to lead to school all year round at this rate!  If you are struggling this winter like we are, here is a roundup of great ideas to pass the time until the snow melts for good.

Things to do when Winter is Never Ending
Took this photo at work today. No one will be out on that patio any time soon!

Get your finances in order

Or ya know, at least make a bill payment tracker system.  It’s not too late to set one up for 2019.  You can check out the one I made for 2018 here.  It is a life saver!  Well, at least a late payment saver.

Do your taxes

I could not be more proud of myself but we actually filed our taxes on January 30th and have gotten both our federal and state returns back already.  Major improvement over our normal filing in March!  I guess fear that my H&R Block coupon would expire and a second government shutdown really kicked me into gear.  Feels good though and will definitely help given what March will look like this year for us.  If you need more motivation, here are 20 ideas from Landon and me for what you could use your tax return for.

Things to do when Winter is Never Ending
The sun was making the ice on this tree sparkle when I was leaving work last week.

Get rid of cabin fever

Now that you have your financial life in order, it’s time to do more fun things with all these days snowed in.  A couple years ago I compiled 10 ways to get rid of cabin fever.  And last spring we compiled a great list of movies to watch when you want to golf but can’t due to snow.  Both lists should last a few snow days, maybe more if you like Harry Potter!

Add some flowers to your home

Fake, real, whatever.  They instantly make it feel like spring and are so worth it.  I got a bouquet of pink roses for 3 bucks at Walmart and split it between three vases.  Spread the spring I say.  Spread the spring!

Things to do when Winter is Never Ending

Hopefully these ideas keep you occupied until the snow melts and the green grass shows again.

Things to do when Winter is Never Ending

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