Both Landon and I grew up in homes where there was rarely alcohol. I honestly don’t ever remember seeing my mother drink. We laugh now because whenever we are at either of our parents’ homes, they are asking us if we want a drink before we even get our shoes off. My how things change! To take after their present day hosting antics, we took it a step further and made a home bar – complete with an oh-so-trendy gallery wall.
It’s kind of astounding that we even need a bar when we have a wine rack built into our cabinets (and beer should be refrigerated). But there is a season for liquor (mine is usually allergy season because I don’t need more histamines from wine making breathing difficult) and we have all these fancy glasses. The Mr & Mrs wine glasses were a shower gift. The Yours, Mine, and Ours glasses and decanter, a wedding gift. We also have our glasses from when we went on the brewstillery tour in Nashville. The iridescent goblet-like glasses and pitcher were my grandma’s and have a matching chip and dip bowl. We have a dozen more wine glasses in the cupboard (you know, for everyday use). I suppose we are missing martini glasses but honestly, I’d rather go to our local wine bar for a martini than try to make one. (Yes, you read that right, our wine bar makes martinis.)

A tray is a bar cart necessity
When I searched Pinterest for bar cart ideas, they always seemed to have a tray to anchor the bottles on top. I have this lovely silver one from my grandma (not the same grandma I got the goblets from) and thought it added enough vintage charm to make our drinks feel exceptionally classy. I have doubts that this grandmother of mine has ever really had a drink but hopefully she doesn’t mind us using her tray for our own speakeasy.
The best part of putting all this together was making the wall art. I shared a sneak peek a couple weeks ago about the cork sphere. It used all the corks we had (we are more Bota Box type people). Side note – Amazon sells wine corks!
The printables were the most fun. They actually came together really fast, which is unusual for my perfectionist self. I already had all the frames from half a dozen apartments ago but never got around to using them before. I spray painted all of them black and then started putting holes in our walls to hang them.

These printables have definitely opened me up to so many other ideas for our house. At one point I had a bunch half done and open on my computer. Every time I’d start one I’d get an idea for another and have to start that before I forgot what it was. We’ll see where else our walls get affected in the coming months. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a mint plant that is begging to be made into a mojito at The Bar.
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