I had so much enthusiasm for 2017. The plan for January was to train in my replacement so in February I could start my new position within the same company. I was so excited and still am completely in love with my job. Health-wise, I started the year feeling better than I had in a long time. At that point, I had been taking liquid gold (liquid iron supplement) for 5 months and was actually feeling like a somewhat functioning adult. I also was making plans and working on setting up this blog.
In February I wrote my first blog post. I also got to meet my cousin’s baby girl and was asked to be her godmother. An honor I feel so special to have. My cousin and I grew up like sisters and I cannot wait to be the cool “aunt” to this little girl that her late grandma was to me.

March was all over the board. We had my goddaughter’s baptism. I lost an aunt to cancer (my third one to the disease, I’m afraid). And Landon and I road tripped to Nashville.
April and May were pretty quiet. In June we took a week long vacation with my parents to my favorite place on earth. It was as breathtaking as ever from the dock and I’m so glad Landon got to see this beautiful place.

In July, we decided on a whim to get away for a weekend and attend an LPGA tournament. It was Landon’s first time at a professional golf tournament. I have been to a few, including the 2010 British Open, but honestly, following these women was so much more fun! In fact, we’re already making plans to go again next year for more than just one day. It’d be a nice tradition to have. Bonus, this tournament is only 40 minutes from my cousin and her family.

Things settled down again and August was quiet. Until I spent a week taking care of my mom after she had foot surgery. I’m happy to say that even though her surgeon was less than thrilled with the procedure, my mom is doing much better than originally thought. And a girl needs her mom with two good feet to shop with her! We also found out we will be an aunt and uncle again.

Looking back, September is when things started to go downhill but I didn’t realize how far I’d fallen until I got my ferritin (iron stores) checked in mid-October. It was terribly low. The lowest I’ve ever known it to be (there were times in college when it was low but I don’t know those scores). It has been an uphill battle ever since.
I have been trying to be positive going into 2018 but if I’m being honest, I can’t. 2017 should have been a great year and the last quarter has been anything but. I know so many others are suffering more than I am and their lives are so much harder. And realizing this only makes me feel selfish. Except that doesn’t mean I can just snap my fingers and feel better.
On New Year’s Eve, I woke up at 3:30 in the morning in agonizing pain. It finally dissipated after 14 hours. I started the New Year exhausted and not from doing anything fun like a twenty-something should. I have a doctor appointment tomorrow and I pray that I can get some answers and we can make a plan to get my ferritin up.
As for things that do make me feel happy, my husband is number one. Having support from him, my parents, and my in-laws reminds me how fortunate I am – even if I’m currently in a season of suffering.

I also take a lot of joy in my DIY projects. Ones I’ve made and plans I have. It is rewarding to make something out of nothing. I truly love my DIY eyeliner, our hallway mirror we made, and the sign above our front door that is a great reminder every day. We were lucky to get a little Christmas money and now have purchased tile for our fireplace! I have finally found bedding I like for our bedroom and when I have more energy I cannot wait to get that room more put together. Stay tuned for those updates – and hopefully many others.
I hope 2018 finds you happy and healthy. And if either are missing, that you may find it this year. ❤️