Ahh, March. The month that comes in like a lion and out like a lamb. Or at least that’s what I remember learning in second grade or so. But it seems to be consistent with the year 2017 as well. It’s been a rough couple weeks and I am glad we are approaching St. Patrick’s Day and the second half of the month!
Last weekend Landon and I headed up north for my cousin’s daughter’s baptism. She asked me to be the godmother and I could not be more honored! Our moms were sisters and we grew up with each other as the closest thing to real sisters. I can’t wait to watch her little girl grow up!

Things drastically changed on Monday. My aunt lost her battle to cancer and passed away. It breaks my heart to think about what my uncle and cousins had to go through, especially in just the last few weeks. My aunt Suzie is finally pain free and home up in Heaven. I will miss hearing her vivacious and contagious laugh at family get togethers the most. ❤️

Somehow I hid the news all day at work until the last half hour. As I told my coworkers while crying, I made a joke that all I wanted was a Shamrock Shake. I never did get one this week. But I got something better, a healthy DIY version – made with real mint leaves and only 3 ingredients! ☘
I absolutely love mint of any kind. Back when I was a regular at Starbucks (I no longer live near one), I was known as the girl who always had a peppermint drink year-round. Every year around the holidays, Chapstick comes out with their Candy Cane flavored chapstick and I am not ashamed to admit I buy more and more every year so they last a little longer. I also love mojitos and I think the only reason I ever tried one in the first place was because it had mint in it. Have I made my point?

You’ll notice I used lactose free milk. I am lactose intolerant and I have tried just about every milk alternative out there but they do not compliment cereal and smoothies (the only things I use milk for) the same way the white stuff from the cows do. I love that Organic Valley makes an organic lactose free milk. It is normal milk, it just has lactase added so anyone can drink it. We are enjoying the whole right now to get our omega-3’s on.

Recipe (serves 1)
1 frozen banana, cut up
3/4 cup milk
A bunch of mint leaves de-stemmed
In a blender add milk, banana, and mint leaves. Blend until smooth and enjoy.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
3 Ingredient Healthy Shamrock Shake
- 1 banana frozen and cut up
- 3/4 cup milk
- a bunch of mint leaves de-stemmed
- In a blender add milk, banana, and mint leaves. Blend until smooth and enjoy.