A Fancy Tiled Fireplace

It seems like forever ago when we got our mantle hung up above our fireplace.  In that post’s pictures, we had a tile square sample that someday we would tile the fireplace with.  And that someday has arrived! ??  It only took a few hours of our Saturday to tile the fireplace but it really makes the room feel so much more complete.  Seriously.  Looking at the before pictures makes me wonder how I lived with it that way for so long!

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How to Prevent Drooping Earring Syndrome

I’ve never been a huge fan of stud earrings.  Part of the reason is because they are either so tiny that they aren’t noticeable, or they give you drooping earring syndrome.  You know drooping earring syndrome? Maybe you’ve seen it on your grandma, or her friends, or the blue haired gals at church.  They wear big stud earrings and gravity pulls them down at an awkward angle.  Well, last week I caught part of an infomercial that had a solution to drooping earring syndrome.  And my life has now been changed forever.

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Wool Dryer Balls

I’ve shared a lot of natural, chemical free solutions over the past year.  Things like eyeliner, makeup remover, hand soap, body wash, laundry detergent, and natural allergy relief. But the first change I ever made to eliminate chemicals was getting rid of dryer sheets and using wool dryer balls instead.   I made my first set 2 years ago and have loved them since day one.  Call it the gateway drug to natural, chemical free living, but wool dryer balls are the easiest switch you can do.  And they are easy to make!

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DIY Laundry Detergent

I have an irrational fear of either running out of toilet paper or laundry detergent.  I have never actually run out of either, hence why it is irrational.  But I actually hate buying laundry detergent.  Our options are slim in this little town and I just don’t trust that they are safe and good at, well, laundering.  Luckily, my mother-in-law made a DIY laundry detergent and let me try some.  I am hooked.  Bonus:  make it once and have detergent for a whole year!

DIY Laundry Detergent Continue reading “DIY Laundry Detergent”

DIY Braided Chain Bracelet

I can’t believe I’ve had this blog for a year now and have never shared any DIY jewelry.  In high school and college I took multiple classes on jewelry making.  I did a lot of lost wax casting as well as soldering.  But until I can convince someone to convert our shed into a studio with a gas line for a blow torch, I’ll just stick to simpler jewelry DIYs these days.  Like this DIY braided chain bracelet.  I’ve been in need of a nice silver, every day bracelet so I made one.

DIY Braided Chain Bracelet Continue reading “DIY Braided Chain Bracelet”

DIY Glass Etching Gifts

I’m a practical gift giver.  I follow a list and almost always give what is on the list.  So for non-list type situations, I struggle.  Big time.  But I also like being crafty, and that can make the most drab practical gifts incredibly cute and personable.  There are two girls from my old department that I am still close with and we exchange gifts.  I decide to do a little DIY glass etching as part of their gifts.  If you’ve never done glass etching before, it is the fastest and easiest DIY ever.  I swear.

DIY Glass Etching

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