DIY Easter Wreath

It has been quite a while since I made some décor for our front door.  I’ve been sitting on an Easter wreath idea since the beginning of February.  And I am so excited about how it turned out!  It was also super fast and easy to make. Plus, it gives a simple reminder about what this season is about.  Have you ever read that Easter is not about the bunny, it’s about the lamb?

DIY Easter Wreath

I remember reading that a few years ago and for some reason (possibly when my surgery was scheduled) it popped into my head again.  So I started looking at ideas for an Easter wreath and I just wanted something simple that represented that message.  My eyes also fell on the remaining leaves and stems from silk flowers I’ve used for various projects.  I remembered seeing a lovely magnolia leaf wreath online somewhere and thought I could make my own with my leftover hydrangea leaves.

DIY Easter Wreath

I then searched for the perfect cross at Hobby Lobby.  It was actually harder to find than I thought because I needed a cross that was really light to attach to the wreath.  Eventually I found the perfect one.

DIY Easter Wreath

DIY Easter Wreath

To make the wreath, I started by separating all the leaves from the stems.  I had a lot of leaves but still ended up using all of the big ones pictured.  After the leaves were free, I realized they wouldn’t attach as well as I thought to the wire wreath form I planned to use.  A quick wrapping of painters tape made the perfect surface to hot glue them into place!

DIY Easter Wreath

DIY Easter Wreath

After I had all the leaves glued on, I glued the cross on and hung it up on our door.  I am still on crutches so I didn’t venture too far out to take pictures.  I think the message is better received up close anyway.

DIY Easter Wreath

If you are not as crafty, it would be very easy to buy a leaf wreath (they are everywhere right now) and attach a cross to that.

DIY Easter Wreath

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