First, how is it September already? Second, thank goodness we’re this far into the year. And third, it took all summer but I finally have art that doesn’t say “Let it snow.” I made this super easy DIY texture art last weekend and it’s exactly what I need when it’s not appropriate to snow.
In all seriousness, I’ve been trying to replace this wintry canvas from a paint and sip night for awhile. I have other canvases but they are vertical and just don’t feel right with the corner. I had an idea to make a textured abstract but just wasn’t sure it felt like me. Then I randomly came across the picture below. And I saved it for inspiration for my sister-in-law’s house. Until one day when I realized I could replicate it on a canvas.

Canvas (I used 16″x20”)
Basswood strips (I used 1/2” wide strips)
Utility knife
Hot glue gun
How to make DIY texture art
First, start by determining how you want to space the basswood strips and how long you want them to overlap. The basswood strips I used were 24” long so I decided to cut them in half so I could use the entire strip. To cut them, I scored them with a utility knife a few times and then snapped them in half.
Next, space out the cut strips and start flying them down. I wasn’t completely sure the hot glue gun would work. Initially, I didn’t let it get hot enough so it dried before I could apply glue to the length of the basswood strips. I did try wood glue on two but that was too messy. When I actually let the hot glue gun fully heat up, it worked perfectly!
Next, paint it! The great thing about hot glue guns is that the glue dries pretty fast. The whole project was dry by the time I found a box to set the canvas on and shake up the paint. It took a few coats to get it even, especially around the edges.
Lastly, once the paint is dry, hang it up!
I like that it provides something to the corner without being too loud. We have a lot going on by the bar area on the other side of the window so I didn’t want to compete with that.
My favorite part of this project is that you could easily recreate any wall molding pattern. I think board and batten in a glossy white would be so classic. Way less work and money to get a little piece of the look!