What a week we have had! Landon brought the flu home with him last Thursday. We had planned to visit my parents over the weekend but that was quickly cancelled. Then Saturday night, I came down with the nasty bug. We are both feeling much better but the unexpected weekend home was anything but productive. ? Last night was the first time we were both feeling normal again. Tonight we felt so good, we finally installed the hutch we made to give our TV a boost and create more organization with our streaming devices. This project has been in mind for at least a year and is finally executed and complete!
Our TV stand is nothing special, just some good ol’ fashioned cube furniture from Ikea. But I actually love the simple look and versatility of the squares. They also can store a bajillion things and make great hiding places when you find out people are coming over in 5 minutes (not that I have personal experience with that last one…). Anyway, it has bugged me for years (and 4 prior addresses) that my blue-ray player is just a teensy-bit too wide to fit into one of those cubes so it always had to sit on top, off to the side. I like symmetry (seriously, I had to have an even number of bridesmaids so it was symmetrical on both sides of me) so this was a problem I saw every time we sat down to watch the idiot box.

What we did:
First, have husband cut a board leftover from the construction of house. Second, wife searches Pinterest for the paint color that matches the infamous black-brown Ikea uses. Third, husband constructs and paints stand. Next, wife is completely repulsed by how the color that MULTIPLE pins said was right but is clearly so, so wrong. Wife tells husband it needs to be more brown but also black. Husband gives paint to his dad to add black paint to mix. Husband repaints stand. Wife is still disgusted. Husband and wife go to local hardware store for the darkest brown they can fine. Husband repaints stand. Wife is pleased with brown color but it needs black to show through and give that grain look. Husband borrows black paint from his dad. Wife uses a bristle brush and just a tiny bit of black paint and creates wood grain affect. Wife is pleased with outcome. Husband is thankful he doesn’t have to paint the same darn thing every week anymore.

See, every story gets a happy ending? ?

I love that all the electronics fit underneath in a symmetrical fashion. I am also happy that it gives a little more height to the whole entertainment stand. We already had added legs to the unit last year and now it just looks even better with our vaulted ceiling. Like it belongs. ?
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