I had high hopes to show you my decorated cubicle this week but life just got a little too busy. What can you do?
Anyway, this past Sunday was my companies annual golf outing. It was a cloudy day but the weather was actually nice. We won our annual second place (someday maybe we’ll beat Josh ??). After contributing a few of drives, I somehow managed to pop one on the hole for women’s shortest drive. It then hit the golf cart path and bounce backwards, securing my award. ? I now have won women’s longest and women’s shortest both once in my life. I hope to continue on the longest from now on. ?

Last Friday my mom had foot surgery so I headed up to my parent’s house Monday after work. I’m working from their home all week (seriously, best company ever) and helping her out. I basically have run ice upstairs to her every hour. My FitBit is liking all those steps but I sort of miss my one level house! Not as much as I am missing Landon though. ?

It’s kind of weird staying in my childhood bedroom by myself and it just being me and my parents at night. Landon you are missed! He has inservice for school this week so I made the trip solo.
I’ve been spending the entire month of August meal planning and trying to add variety into our life. I would love to order another box from Green Chef but we have done so much stocking up on groceries the past few weeks. It feels silly to order a box when we have a freezer full, ya know? Anyway, I meal plan most weeks but tucker out by Thursday night. I’m hoping to break that habit and carry-on through the entire week this year!
It’s funny to think the school year still feels like a fresh start. I guess married to a teacher does that as an adult. I no longer am the only one to set an alarm in the morning. (Sorry Landon, tee times don’t count as work!) I am looking forward to having more structure in our daily life. ? I’ve been trying get a cleaning schedule down but so far it’s been a nightmare. Hoping to change that come Tuesday!
For Labor Day weekend, I plan to enjoy it like a 3-day weekend should be enjoyed: doing nothing! Hope you all have a great holiday weekend! ??
I can’t thank you enough for spending so many days with me helping out post-surgery. I’m sure having you here will help me heal faster. ❤️
Glad I could help! Hope Dad is taking good care of you too 🙂