I’ve never been good at following the norm. In fact, I refused to see Avatar when it came out because everyone seemed too obsessed with it. I often like to take the road less travelled, walk the other side of the tracks, question trends (I get it from my grandfather as well as his sense of direction). Sometime way back in high school, I decided New Years Resolutions were just too mainstream. Really, what I dislike about them is the same reason everyone else does: they are hard to maintain. I decided then that I would make resolutions on my birthday because my year in life made more sense than a calendar year.
Well, I’m about to break my old rule (I really wouldn’t call it a rule) and come up with something new: Mid-Year Resolutions. Why limit yourself to the new year, new month, new age, tomorrow, Monday, etc, etc, to start something new? Now is as good of time as any.
With all that said, I am making a goal list for the rest of the year. Most of these are projects around our house, which is why I’m sharing the list here. I figured it would hold me more accountable to finish them before December 31st if I can link it to this list! So without further ado…
The list:
- Decorate my cubicle at work. My old desk had basically zero space and now I’ve switched departments and have more wall space and surface area than I know what to do with. Well I do know I want to do something with it!
- Get our unity braid on the wall. We have a little wall outside our bedroom door that I have had plans to hang our unity braid from our wedding on with a few photos and the verse for it. I finally have the right sized shadow box for the braid so I need to get the rest of the pieces in order!

- Fix our pantry. The shelves are just all wrong and lately I want to cry every time I have to open that beautiful hickory door and see the ugly inside.
- Make some pillow covers for our couch. Because I can sew and pillow covers are easy and I’ve had the fabric for nearly a year…
- Make my own makeup. Eyeliner, mascara, concealer, eyeshadow, face powder… I make my own makeup remover so why not?
- Speaking of makeup, I really need to find nail polish that doesn’t make my finger nails freak out. I wouldn’t say I’m allergic but it’s not pretty and I miss having colored nails. ??
- Try those meal service kits. You know, those companies that send you a box with a recipe and all the ingredients to make it. (Read my Green Chef review here.)
- Speaking of food now, I want to find a beans and rice recipe that is good. No, we are not eating beans and rice for money reasons. I recently learned a little about the Blue Zones of the world and want to start adopting their habits. Even Landon is on board!

- Back to décor stuff, signs for our house. I have two I want to make, one above our front door and one for our guest room. (Don’t hold it against me if the guest room doesn’t meet the year end deadline!)
- Draw up some plans for our Amish friend to build our laundry room bench. And then of course, have bench installed. Also, redo laundry room shelves. (Yeesh, I have shelf issues?)
- Make my vision for our Christmas mantle a reality since we finally have one! I have ideas for stocking holders and last year I bought fabric to make stockings (because I didn’t see any I loved) but we didn’t get the mantle up until after Christmas so really I should make the stockings now – like Christmas in July or maybe it will keep me cool while the heat index climbs to over 90 this week. ☀️❄️
Well that’s all for now. I have so many other ideas I feel the list for our house is never-ending (but I love that?) and many of those are more in the distant future.