You know how there are always tasks you think of to do at home? But they are never super important like washing the dishes or doing laundry? Landon and I always seem to have a list of tasks that aren’t pressing but also not “wow” projects like a whole laundry room makeover or landscaping or a new deck (post is coming soon!). Those little tasks are always thoughts for later but later never seems to come. Landon came up with a simple idea a couple weeks ago to solve that, so naturally I made a printable for our rainy day to-do list.
Honestly, I wish I could have a magnetic spiral notebook so we could keep a never ending list/log of all our rainy day to-do’s for the next 50 years. But I couldn’t quite figure out the logistics to keep the current page on top so until then, just make a little printable. The concept of the rainy day to-do list is to put all the small projects that aren’t pressing on there and when we have a free weekend at home, we can consult the list and cross things off!

Of course, as soon as I printed the template out, we forgot half the things we had talked about a few weeks ago but I’m sure they’ll come back to us. A lot of these things we could easily do a weeknight as well. It’s nice to have it posted on the fridge, ready whenever we are.
Make Your Own Rainy Day To-Do List
To make your own, you can use anything. A magnetic notepad, a blank piece of paper, maybe a whiteboard message center. The options are very customizable. I recommend paper though. Nothing compares to the satisfaction of crossing off a task when it’s finally completed!
I made this printable in Google Drawings. Just a little clipart, and a bunch of lines. I did a custom size of 4.5 by 7.5 so I could print two to a page. I just folded it and can flip it over when the first side gets filled up!