Standing Desk and Footrest

I don’t know about you but I am in my 22nd week working from home.  22 weeks!  I have yet to miss my commute but after about the first week, I was really missing my standing desk I had in the office.  Ironically enough, I was planning to purchase a standing desk for my office at home this year.  After a bit of research, I chose an electric sit/stand desk by Flexispot and made a footrest to use with it.  Here is my review of the desk and quick tutorial of the footrest that matches the ottoman I made last year.

Standing Desk and Footrest

Before working from home every day, I worked from home two days a week.  With all the issues I’ve had with my hips, I have really appreciated using a standing desk so we set some money aside to get one for at home too!  I also use a footrest at work and after about two weeks of using my new standing desk at home without a footrest, my back was not enjoying it.  As you’ll see in the photo below, my temporary footrest was a little toolbox and I also had a mess of cords all over the floor (I’ll show you how to fix that too).

The chaotic “before”

The Standing Desk

I’ve had this Flexispot desk for almost 3 months now and I absolutely love it!  There have been no issues with the motor and I raise it up and down a couple times a day.  It works smoothly and is pretty quiet that I can move it up or down while I’m on a call.  It’s very similar to the ones my work uses in our office buildings – but I found that it’s less than half the cost of those.  When I placed the order in April it said it wasn’t available for a few weeks.  It ended up getting delivered before it was originally supposed to ship which was a nice surprise.  Landon put it together for me while I was still working.  He said it was easy to do and he just needed my help to flip it right-side up.

Standing Desk and Footrest
Here is the desk at the lowest height for sitting.

The Footrest

Years ago we made a footrest out of a wooden crate for my desk at the office.  I have enjoyed doing the Captain Morgan stance with it every day there.  I never realized how much it helps ergonomically to have one foot up and switch regularly.  But I soon found that my body missed being able to use one that way.  I made a footrest to match the ottoman I made for my office last summer.  We had leftover wood from the nautical shelves so I just had to buy the legs and plates to attach the legs.  I then used the same stain to match.

Standing Desk and Footrest
See how well they match?

Cord Hack

Lastly, I needed to do something about these cords.  One day Landon came in when the desk was down and thought my office was cleaner.  I hadn’t done a thing to clean it!  But not seeing the cords instantly made the room seem nicer.  After seeing a few ideas on Pinterest using various baskets, I decided on a shelf basket to hide my extension cord.  The pictures show more of the basket and the cords than what can be seen in real life.  And now we can let our robot vacuum loose in there without worrying about it getting tangled. 🙂

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