In early November I started telling Landon I wanted to build a forest on our dining table. In my mind I pictured so many tiny trees spread all across the table. I didn’t quite get as much of a forest as I pictured in my mind but this super easy centerpiece is so much better.
I saw this 16 piece set in a Menards ad and thought it was the perfect start to my forest. After freestanding all the trees on my table, I realized this wasn’t going to work. On a mantle or shelf they’d look great, on the table it didn’t work so well. Way to easy to knock over. I tried putting the string of lights around and well, it was like tree dominos.

Soon after the timber fiasco (?), I gave up on the idea of getting more trees and decided to work with the ones I had. If only I had a surface to put the on. Bonus: I could then move them in one swoop to easily have space for wrapping presents! I looked through my cupboards for a serving plate but nothing was quit right. I then tried my grandma’s silver tray we keep on our bar. Unfortunately, it was not big enough to fit all the trees.

A quick run to the dollar store for this nice big silver serving platter and my tree centerpiece was back on track. I used good ‘ol Scotch tape to keep the trees in their places. After that I wove the lights randomly through the trees. The tray felt a little small alone on the table, especially compared to the forest I once pictured in my head. So I pulled the burlap I used for my fall centerpiece back out and voila!

So many stores have bottle brush trees in different styles and colors to make this project perfect for any decor style. Hobby Lobby has a lot of different colors and sizes. And Kohls has a set of 3 beautiful ones by Lauren Conrad.
Happy foresting! ??? ?